Simple Kale Salad with Tahini Dressing

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If you have been following my blog you will notice most of my posts are sweet treats! They are the best and I have so much fun recreating treats and getting creative. But I feel it is indeed time to get realistic and add in some green goodness and amazingly delicious alternatives to your usual everyday foods. So to kick it off I decided to share my tahini recipe and kale salad. I have this every damn day its so good(:  It is an awesome way to get your greens in from the kale which by the way is a dark green leafy cruciferous vegetable that is packed with Vitamins and Minerals. Kale is particularly high in Vitamin A,C and K as well as your B Vitamins, as well as a good kick of calcium from the tahini in the delightful dressing.

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Here are some amazing benefits of Tahini ( Ground Sesame seeds)

Tahini is a paste made from ground sesame seeds. It is also called sesame paste or sesame butter. It is like peanut butter but made from sesame seeds.

The first consideration when it comes to choosing a tahini is whether to purchase a product made from unhulled or hulled sesame seeds. Tahini made from unhulled sesame seeds is more nutrient-rich than tahini made from hulled seeds, but it is also more bitter; this type of tahini is usually referred to as sesame butter. Since both versions would still make for good food choices, you can let your taste buds decide which type, the one made from hulled seeds or the one made from unhulled seeds, is more pleasing to you.

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Roasted versus raw is another choice you have to make when it comes to selecting tahini. Raw (non-roasted) tahini is sufficiently higher in nutrient content, and I believe it’s the better choice.

Some manufacturers add additional oils to their tahini. I would recommend purchasing tahini with no added oils so that the tahini is made only from pure ground sesame seeds.

Finally, there is the option of a certified organic tahini. As with all of the World’s Healthiest Foods, I strongly recommend this organic option.

You can easily find tahini in either natural food stores or you can also find it available from online retailers.


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Tahini Dressing

4 Heaped Tbsp Tahini ( the amount varies depending on the thickness of the tahini you use so play around and see what works best.)
3/4 Filtered  Water
1 Garlic clove
Juice of 1 lemon
2tsp Honey or Maple Syrup
1/4 tsp Salt

*Optional 1 Tbsp Flax Oil


Simply add all your ingredients to a high speed blender and blend until smooth i like mine sightly thick. So depending on how you like it you can add more Tahini to thicken it or more water to thin it.

Simple Kale Salad

*Serves 1 as a Meal

4 Stalks of Kale
Handful Cherry Tomatoes
1/2 Cup fresh Peas
1 Tbsp Pumpkin Seeds
Sprinkle of sprouts
1/2 Avocado


Wash all your ingredients, remove stalks from kale and chop kale, Slice tomatoes and avocado and add the rest of your ingredients and then smother in tahini dressing! Yum

*A great addition to add to your salad its cooked quinoa or brown rice for a more fulling meal.

Eat your greens and enjoy beauties! Love life. Live life !

Let me know what your everyday go to meal is to get your greens in .


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